The Universe Doesn’t Give a Fuck About you, so Do Whatever the Fuck you Want.
You are a minuscule cluster of atoms situated on a slightly less minuscule cluster of atoms rotating around a minimally larger minuscule cluster of atoms in a Universe so huge that you can’t actually imagine how big it is.
We humans have this special sort of arrogance about us, and I suppose this might be a consequence of consciousness. We are not just a minuscule cluster of atoms working some automatic program of action and reaction driven solely by the dual instincts of survive and procreate; we make choices, and are aware that we make choices. Unlike the many animals living on this minuscule cluster of atoms called the Earth, humans are capable of far more than just breathe, eat, drink, shit, piss, and fuck. Granted, these are still a huge part of what drives us; all conflict can be traced back to the need to ensure these activities of survival for ourselves and those like us.
We, amongst all the animals, are of such unique configuration that we can transcend instinct and become something more.
And so we get all arrogant and think that we’re special, and that we were created with a purpose. This sounds great, but it’s bullshit of the highest order, because it’s the kind of bullshit that gives us existential angst and has us clutching our pillows at night crying out to various deities hoping one of them, somewhere in the vast but perhaps not infinite Universe will pay the fuck attention to us and tell us what we should do with our life.
Sometimes we get an answer. Usually, we don’t.
If we always, or even usually, got an answer to that, “What is my purpose?” question, it wouldn’t be such a driving factor. If the answer to that question was so easy, it wouldn’t be the question that I get asked by clients more than any question other than, “When am I going to meet someone?” and “Is my business going to succeed?” Money, sex, and purpose are what drive us, and most of us have no fucking clue what our purpose is.
This question used to keep me up at night.
I spent countless hours seeking this answer for myself. I studied and explored and absorbed information, constantly seeking my purpose. Why am I here? What am I supposed to do? What’s my purpose?
Until one day, I realized, the Universe doesn’t give a fuck, I have no purpose, and I can do whatever the fuck I want to do.
Dear goddess was that a freeing moment.
I can do whatever the fuck I want to do.
Say that to yourself. Go ahead. Out loud even. “I can do whatever the fuck I want to do.”
I can do whatever the fuck I want to do.
This doesn’t mean there isn’t something out there to guide you. It just means that whatever is out there — deities, spirits, faeries, gnomes — they don’t decide your purpose. They don’t decide what your calling is.
You do.
And until you decide, the Universe doesn’t give a fuck. Not one single teeny tiny itty bitty fuck. The Universe is fucking HUGE. The KNOWN Universe — that part of the Universe from where light has had the time to reach us — is 93 BILLION light-years across. If you take our most sophisticated equipment and look out as far as we can look in any direction, what you’re seeing is 46.5 billion years old. To contrast that, the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. The EARTH is a fucking TODDLER and the Universe is Her mommy. And we humans, with our egos and our inventions, have existed as modern humans for only about 200,000 years. Civilization as we know it has only existed for about 6000 years. We are the germs that toddler Earth just picked up at day care. Whether we’re a beneficial bacteria or a deadly virus for Mama Earth remains to be seen, though it’s not looking so good.
If the Universe has a purpose, it has so many ways to get the job done without you, that you might as well not even exist.
I know I sound like a downer here, but really, this is the most joyously freeing thing you can embrace.
Remember, you can do whatever the fuck you want.
External purpose is a burden. And who the fuck wants that? Particularly external purpose foisted on us without our input? Fuck that shit.
If you don’t matter, if you are just a minuscule cluster of atoms, a germ on toddler Earth in a middle-aged Universe, then it also doesn’t matter what you do, so you can literally do whatever the fuck you want.
There are no limits here.
Now, of course, there are consequences. And hooboy can those consequences be painful. But on that grand epic scale of the Universe? Not even a ripple.
What would you do if you could do anything at all? What would you do if failure didn’t matter? What would you do if success didn’t matter? What would you do if you had no commitments or responsibilities? What would you do?
That is your purpose, and I dare you to figure out how to make it happen anyway.
I’m not encouraging you to drop every responsibility and commitment. But instead, to release all expectations. To ask yourself if you’re really living the life that you want to live, or if you’re stuck in someone else’s expectations of what your life should be. Whose script are you following?
It’s a big fucking Universe, what you do doesn’t matter to the Universe, but you can do something that matters to you, and you can do something that matters to a few other of those minuscule clusters of atoms called people, so just get out there and do it already.